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Rural areas, Azerbaijan, 2005
Rural areas, Azerbaijan, 2005
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Petr Antonov

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Rural areas, Azerbaijan, 2005

Baku, Azerbaijan, 2005
Baku, Azerbaijan, 2005

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Baku, Azerbaijan, 2005
Description: Azerbaijan is one of the 15 republics that had once formed Soviet Union and that became independent states in 1991. This country is located in the South Caucasus mountains and on the Caspian sea, bordering with Iran, Russia, Georgia, and Armenia. Majority of the population here is ethnic Azeris, second largest ethnic group still being Russians even though a large number of ethnic Russians left the country as the Soviet Union was nearing its collapse. The city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan accommodates nearly one quarter of country's population and its economy is mainly based around oil production which began here in the late 19th century.
Date: 04.10.2006 15:04
Hits: 37604
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 173.8 KB
Added by: Petr Antonov

Author: Comment:
Hanggan Situmorang

Join Date: 04.10.2006
Comments: 9

Lovely street capture here. Perhaps raising the contrast a little bit on the people won't hurt. Great capture, anyway.
26.10.2006 23:55 Offline Hanggan Situmorang hanggan at

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