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Daniel Kaifer

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Kosovo, history, today
Kosovo, history, today

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Kosovo, history, today
Description: Albanian boys, on the ruins of Serbian houses, watching the Serbs coming to Gazimestan, the place of the Battle of Kosovo, to mark the important and historic day. Albanian boys drape the flag of the self-proclaimed Kosovo with the intention of provoking the Serbs. KFOR stands between to prevent conflicts, although this rarely work as expected. In the distance you can see a monument with a huge portrait of Prince Lazar, who led the Serbian army to fight against the Turks in 1389 at the field of Kosovo when monument is raised.
Keywords: Kosovo; battle; history; day; flag; Serbs; Prince; lazar; Turks; fight; field; knight; monument; gazimestan; Sent; Vitus; day; Vidovdan
Date: 25.06.2016 15:01
Hits: 6271
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File size: 525.8 KB
Added by: Ivankos

Caption: Albanian boys, on the ruins of Serbian houses, watching the Serbs coming to Gazimestan, the place of the Battle of Kosovo, to mark the important and historic day. Albanian boys drape the flag of the self-proclaimed Kosovo with the intention of provoking the Serbs. KFOR stands between to prevent conflicts, although this rarely work as expected. In the distance you can see a monument with a huge portrait of Prince Lazar, who led the Serbian army to fight against the Turks in 1389 at the field of Kosovo when monument is raised.
Byline: Ivan Maksimovic
Byline title: Photographer
Object name: Kosovo, history
Date created: 27.06.2009
Keywords: Kosovo, battle, history, day, flag, Serbs, Prince, lazar, Turks, fight, field, knight, monument, gazimestan, Sent, Vitus, day, Vidovdan
Copyright Notice: Ivan Maksimovic,


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