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Bishwa Ijtema-04.jpg
Bishwa Ijtema-04.jpg

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Bishwa Ijtema-04.jpg
Description: The Devotees doing Ablution for prayer at The Bishwa Ijtema Grounds by the Turag River in Tongi swell with pilgrims during the three-day of first phase. Gazipur, Bangladesh. The first phase was held between Jan 9 to 11 2015. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over the world gathered on the bank of Turag River in Tongi of Gazipur District.
The Bishwa Ijtema. Organized by Tabligh Jamaat, Bishwa Ijtema is the second largest Muslim congregation after Hajj.
The three-day congregation started after Fazr prayers with religious sermon by Islamic scholars on Friday morning. And last day it will conclude with 'Akheri Munajat' on Sunday in Bangladesh.
Keywords: bishwa ijtema; Bishwa Ijtema 2015; Bangladesh; Tongi; Gazipur; faith; Muslim; Muslim Religious; Islam; Muslim devotees, Prayer, Pray, Tent, Asia
Date: 26.10.2015 04:11
Hits: 19119
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File size: 1.4 MB
Added by: Md. Akhlas Uddin

Date created: 10.01.2015
Byline: Md. Akhlas Uddin
Byline title: Photographer
Headline: Bishwa Ijtema is the second largest Muslim congregation after Hajj
Caption: The Devotees doing Ablution for prayer at The Bishwa Ijtema Grounds by the Turag River in Tongi swell with pilgrims during the three-day of first phase. Gazipur, Bangladesh. The first phase was held between Jan 9 to 11 2015. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over the world gathered on the bank of Turag River in Tongi of Gazipur District.
The Bishwa Ijtema. Organized by Tabligh Jamaat, Bishwa Ijtema is the second largest Muslim congregation after Hajj.
The three-day congregation started after Fazr prayers with religious sermon by Islamic scholars on Friday morning. And last day it will conclude with 'Akheri Munajat' on Sunday in Bangladesh.


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