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Young Gorani girls in traditional costumes.
Young Gorani girls in traditional costumes.
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Early morning breakfast in front of Esther Yumbi's house in Kennedy Hill

Many of these people who live in and around Kennedy Hill are so far from their country
Many of these people who live in and around Kennedy Hill are so far from their country

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Many of these people who live in and around Kennedy Hill are so far from their country
Description: Bruce Njamme has been coming and going to Kennedy Hill for a few months, living it rough and always has been very kind to me and one morning he said to me, "Hey Ingi from now on we will call you 'Nagala' (sister) then Bruce said "I want to sing a song for you." Then he walked over to an old and abounded car outside the fence in the sand dunes, sat on the bonnet and said, "I am from Balgo from the desert and I sing this song for my family who all passed away and for my father who is Sunfly. The song is called Worray Yagga Yagga." It was a very emotional song and than he burst out in tears. Many of these people who live in and around Kennedy Hill are so far from their country. Broome, Western Australia. ©Ingetje Tadros/Diimex
Date: 11.03.2015 08:11
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Added by: Ingetje Tadros

Byline: Ingetje Tadros
Caption writer: Ingetje Tadros
Date created: 17.07.2014
Caption: Bruce Njamme has been coming and going to Kennedy Hill for a few months, living it rough and always has been very kind to me (Ingetje Tadros) and one morning he said to me, "Hey Ingi from now on we will call you 'Nagala' (sister) then Bruce said "I want to sing a song for you." Then he walked over to an old and abounded car outside the fence in the sand dunes, sat on the bonnet and said, "I am from Balgo from the desert and I sing this song for my family who all passed away and for my father who is Sunfly. The song is called Worray Yagga Yagga." It was a very emotional song and than he burst out in tears. Many of these people who live in and around Kennedy Hill are so far from their country. Broome, Western Australia.
Copyright Notice: ©Ingetje Tadros
Keywords: Aboriginal, Aboriginal Corporation, aggression, alcohol, alcohol restrictions, at risk, Australia, behaviour, Broome, bush camps, Chinatown, community, condemned, demolition, dry community, family, financial hardship, future, gambling, homeless, hope, housing, indigenous, Ingetje Tadros, Kennedy Hill, problems, real estate in Broome, rough, shanty towns, social housing, squatters, stress, support, the Kimberley, tourist mecca


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Gambling is for us to socialise  
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Early morning breakfast in front of Esther Yumbi's house in Kennedy Hill



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