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Shelia Cole
Shelia Cole
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Alicia Sangiuliano

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Billy’ Stuart Ah Choo sitting outside his home in Kennedy Hill with his beloved dog
Billy’ Stuart Ah Choo sitting outside his home in Kennedy Hill with his beloved dog

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Billy’ Stuart Ah Choo sitting outside his home in Kennedy Hill with his beloved dog
Description: "Alcohol can bring you down and kill you, it me I was happy to die, I lost my father he was my hero, I had a bad record , I know now my job is to save my people." ‘Billy’ Stuart Ah Choo sitting outside his home in Kennedy Hill with his beloved dog Dontee and her pup Little Blacky. Broome, Western Australia. ©Ingetje Tadros/Diimex
Keywords: Aboriginal Aboriginal Corporation Australia Broome bush-camps community family indigenous Kennedy Hill Broome squatters Kimberley WA tribal aborigine
Date: 11.03.2015 07:57
Hits: 28658
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Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 215.7 KB
Added by: Ingetje Tadros

Byline: Ingetje Tadros
Credit: Ingetje Tadros
Caption writer: Ingetje Tadros
Date created: 22.07.2014
Caption: "Alcohol can bring you down and kill you, it me I was happy to die, I lost my father he was my hero, I had a bad record , I know now my job is to save my people." ‘Billy’ Stuart Ah Choo sitting outside his home in Kennedy Hill with his beloved dog Dontee and her pup Little Blacky. Broome, Western Australia.
Copyright Notice: ©Ingetje Tadros
Keywords: Aboriginal, Aboriginal Corporation, aggression, alcohol, alcohol restrictions, at risk, Australia, behaviour, Broome, bush camps, Chinatown, community, companion, condemned, demolition, dogs, dry community, family, financial hardship, future, gambling, homeless, hope, housing, indigenous, Ingetje Tadros, Kennedy Hill, portrait, problems, real estate in Broome, rough, shanty towns, social housing, squatters, stress, support, the Kimberley, tourist mecca


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Jenaerd, Sardie, Anna, Charlette, Quane and Chrissy watching TV  
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Chrissy holding a birthday cup which has the number 21



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