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demonstration in jerudalem
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Yaniv Nadav

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Zilka Durmisevic was injured by a landmine in 1999 while cleaning at her mother's house  
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A landmine clearer for the humanitarian organization, Norwegian People's Aid

He landed on another anti-personnel mine that claimed both his hands
He landed on another anti-personnel mine that claimed both his hands

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He landed on another anti-personnel mine that claimed both his hands
Description: Tihomir Ostojic (32) was 14 years old in 1996 when he ventured into a cherry orchard on the outskirts of Sarajevo. Stepping on an anti-personnel mine, he was catapulted into the air. He landed on another that claimed both his hands. Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Keywords: fragmentation landmine humanitarian ngo minefield Bosnia Herzegovina war bomb injury mines anti-personnel mine prosthetic prosthesis Sarajevo
Date: 26.02.2015 01:15
Hits: 15580
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File size: 120.5 KB
Added by: David Bathgate

Date created: 14.10.2014
Caption: Tihomir Ostojic (32) was 14 years old in 1996 when he ventured into a cherry orchard on the outskirts of Sarajevo. Stepping on an anti-personnel mine, he was catapulted into the air. He landed on another that claimed both his hands. Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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Zilka Durmisevic was injured by a landmine in 1999 while cleaning at her mother's house  
 Next image:
A landmine clearer for the humanitarian organization, Norwegian People's Aid



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