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Erberto Zani

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IngetjeTadros_Caged Humans In Bali_8
IngetjeTadros_Caged Humans In Bali_8

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IngetjeTadros_Caged Humans In Bali_8
Description: After Wayang's father passed away, a family ceremony was held in the familie's compound. It was then that other family members found out that Wayang was held chained and locked up in a tiny room for over five years. Those family members complained about the chain, so the brother replaced them with rope. ©Ingetje Tadros/Diimex
Keywords: mental-health bali indonesia
Date: 26.08.2014 04:54
Hits: 14076
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 342.6 KB
Added by: Ingetje Tadros

Date created: 07.05.2014
Byline: Ingetje Tadros
Copyright Notice: ©Ingetje Tadros
Caption: After Wayang's father passed away, a family ceremony was held in the familie's compound. It was then that other family members found out that Wayang was held chained and locked up in a tiny room for over five years. Those family members complained about the chain, so the brother replaced them with rope.
Caption writer: Ingetje Tadros


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IngetjeTadros_Caged Humans In Bali_13



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