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Ice Factory Door
Ice Factory Door
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Joanna Maclennan

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Description: An addict sits on the street and he has been suffering unknown disease. Her right leg is already infected and a number of insect sit on his leg but he is dong nothing and useless. Dhaka. January 2009 © Monirul Alam
Keywords: drugs, dhaka, bangladesh, street, disease, insect
Date: 18.07.2012 13:41
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Added by: Monirul Alam

Caption: An addict sits on the street and he has been suffering unknown disease. Her right leg is already infected and a number of insect sit on his leg but he is dong nothing and useless. Dhaka. January 2009 © Monirul Alam ..1 Dec. 2011. Dhaka Bangladesh- (Photo Story) As antiretroviral treatments continue to make progress, the AIDS scare is finally calming down in the West. On the other side of the world however, the virus continues to kill. In Bangladesh, it’s drug users who are falling prey to this devastating disease. HIV has become widespread in Bangladesh. Especially in mobile drug user which is using injecting twice time. .Ever since the first case of HIV was reported back in 1989, AIDS has been a quietly growing but deadly problem in Bangladesh – and in particular in Dhaka. Although the country as a whole is deemed by the UN to be “low-risk”, the disease is spreading at a worrying rate among one section of society: intravenous drug addicts who reuse dirty needles in the urban slums of the capital. According to UNAIDS statistics, the number of HIV-positive drug users more than doubled between 2001 and 2005. Health experts warn that the risk of an epidemic is increased by that fact that many of the addicts also admit paying for sex – and only 10 percent say they always use a condom. © Monirul Alam.
Byline: Monirul Alam
Byline title: Photojournalist
Credit: Zuma Press
Source: Monirul Alam
Object name: A Deadly Game AIDS on the streets of Dhaka Bangladesh
Date created: 26.01.2009
City: Dhaka
Country: Bangladesh
Category: NEW
Keywords: drag, dhaka, HIV, addict, drug user, disease, women, street, AIDS, human rights, health, homeless, condom, frustration, life, young, sex worker, inhuman, age, race, culture, wealth, geography, HIV positive, section, economic, social, Bangladesh, abuse, girl, society, needles, UNAIDS, epidemic, people, died, deadly, game, photo, monirul, alma, photojournalist
Copyright Notice: Monirul Alam


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