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Iraqi Refugees in the United States

Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Iraqi Refugees in the United States

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Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Keywords: Iraqi, immigrants, in, the, US, refugees
Date: 10.03.2011 05:19
Hits: 21607
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 191.1 KB
Added by: Gabriela Bulisova

Object name: Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Byline: Gabriela Bulisova
Caption: "Before, when people told me, Òyou cannot establish yourself in United StatesÓ and about being Òhomesick,Ó I would laugh. But itÕs very difficult: you always feel you are missing something. I do miss friends, family; even the old streets, the poor peopleÑeverything! ItÕs difficult to come here alone, even if you have friends. ItÕs a very big challenge and I am not sure if I can stay here or not. If you have never been a refugee in another country, if you never had the opportunity to feel that, you will never understand. If the situation improves in Iraq or even if it is worse, maybe I will go back."


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