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Million Dollar Squatters_15
Million Dollar Squatters_15
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Alex Masi

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Mean Streets
Mean Streets

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Mean Streets
Description: Tim, Owner of Rock Dove courier company, stays alert as he maneuver's Detroit's downtown core. Cars, pylons, potholes and red lights are normal obstacles in the daily duties of a bike messenger. When I asked Tim if he always observed stop-lights, he kind of chuckled. When one spends as much downtown working as a bike messenger, stop-lights become more of a suggestion.
Keywords: courier, bike, Detroit, messenger, city, downtown, Motorcity, Michigan
Date: 28.11.2010 02:12
Hits: 42524
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 273.8 KB
Added by: Troy Shantz

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