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Charles Gatewood

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Water World-4
Water World-4

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Water World-4
Keywords: asia, bangladesh, chittagong, water, rain, drop, child, people, children, black, white, and, flood, disaster, cyclone, tornado, climate, change, sea, level, rise, risk, life, coast, coastal, effect, natural, calamity, season, monsoon
Date: 20.11.2010 13:02
Hits: 41230
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File size: 241.5 KB
Added by: Jashim Salam

Caption: Scientist predicted that most of the coastal area of Bangladesh will be submerged under water by the year 2050. , it is very concerning that it could happen before the timeline.. Chittagong city experiencing heavy tidal surge these days quite often. The old part of the city Chaktai, Khatunganj, Bakolia, and Agrabad are worst effected places.
Chaktai and Khatunganj are the core of business of the country is in great danger to extinct under water in recent future.
The tidal surge of 8th October 2010 causes huge loss of almost every shops in Chaktai and Khatungoj, when tidal surge water entered and damages goods kept inside.
Business community of Chaktai and Khatunganj fears they might have to shift their business from the area if tidal surge continue to hit their business like this.
Millions of people living in those areas now have to fight with tidal surge sometimes twice a day. Many resident of the area said they only witnessed tidal surge in 1991 when a hurricane hit the coastal area of Chittagong. But the tidal surge water of recent years rise more than that cyclone of 1991 and remains for couple of days causing great concern for the inhabitants.
Caption writer: Jashim Salam
Byline: Jashim Salam
Byline title: Photographer
City: chittagong
State: Chittagong
Country: Bangladesh
Keywords: asia, bangladesh, chittagong, tidal, surge, water, logging, rain, climate, change, suffer, suffering, people, home, future, risk, loss, submurge, concern, high, low, hurricane, cyclone, effect, resident, place, danger, under, extinct


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pendent jewelry
ciondolo orgonite

nogensinde l?be ind i problemer med plagorisme eller kr?nkelse af ophavsretten? Mit websted har en masse unikt indhold, jeg har
22.09.2024 09:06  

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