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Comments: 1
Kimberly Lauren Bryant

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A place called Kosova 8
A place called  Kosova 8

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A place called Kosova 8
Date: 18.10.2010 13:35
Hits: 18680
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 206.7 KB
Added by: Erik Messori

Caption: Kosovo, Kosova, civil war, war, mass graves, Pristina, Pristhina, Erik Messori
Date created: 00.00.2008
Country: Kosovo, Kosova
Keywords: 1999, Erik Messori, Kosova, Pulizia Etnica, Serbia, civil war, cleaning, mass Graves, war
Copyright Notice: ERIK MESSORI


Author: Comment:
Radule Perisic

Join Date: 11.01.2010
Comments: 26
Tell the truth

This is a one-sided story. Where the Serbian victims over whom he made the exodus. Why not show them when you had the chance to shoot Kosovo?
20.10.2010 07:37 Offline Radule Perisic
John Horniblow

Join Date: 13.03.2002
Comments: 184
It did happen

Radule , I think the story does in fact tell the truth in that it documents a community in the aftermath of an atrocity. I think Erik?s work in unbiased in highlighting the long lasting effects of war and the fact that in times of conflict crimes against humanity are perpetrated against communities and ethnic groups. We cannot deny or hide the fact that these crimes happen. Why they happen is another story. The point of this story for me is that it has happened. It seeks not to take sides as to reasons why it occurred. There?s no doubt that some Kosovar Albanians in the past century sided with Nazi occupation forces and Kosovar Serbs were victims to a number of atrocities themselves. That is all part of history and Erik?s story is part of a recent history too.
21.10.2010 05:23 Offline John Horniblow horniblow at

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