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The Lollywood Queen
The Lollywood Queen

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The Lollywood Queen
Description: This woman is the ultimate fantasy of the truck driver, the rickshaw driver and the shopkeeper. Lollywood is the name the media has given to the Pakistani film industry. The actress depicted is from Punjabi language films. These heroines are mostly large, big busted, women who are loud, vulgar and yet, innocent. Our films carry sensibilities and stories which cater to the rural and lower class. The heroines are mostly women from the red-light district which is why most urban actresses would never dream of entering the film industry.

Keywords: pakistan, lollywood, self-portrait, women
Date: 21.08.2010 08:28
Hits: 35832
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (4 Vote(s))
File size: 104.3 KB
Added by: Nariman Ansari

Caption: This woman is the ultimate fantasy of the truck driver, the rickshaw driver and the shopkeeper. Lollywood is the name the media has given to the Pakistani film industry. The Lollywood actress depicted is from Punjabi language films. These heroines are mostly large, big busted, women who are loud, vulgar and yet, innocent. Our films carry sensibilities and stories which cater to the rural and lower class. The heroines are mostly women from the red-light district which is why most urban actresses would never dream of entering the film industry.
Caption writer: Nariman Ansari
Byline: Nariman Ansari
Object name: The Lollywood Queen
Keywords: pakistan, lollywood, nariman ansari, women, self portraits


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