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Salines #17
Salines #17
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Alfredo Munoz

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Pupils at St Patrick school - Yangon (Burma)
Pupils at St Patrick school - Yangon (Burma)

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Pupils at St Patrick school - Yangon (Burma)
Description: If many countries in South-East and Est Asia share that same fundamental respect for authority and that same love for learning by-heart, their students have numerous opportunities to develop outside schools ? via the media, Internet and extra-curricular activities ? their skills and sense of creativity. These opportunities scarcely exist in Burma. Internet, one of the few windows opened to the outside world, is a regular victim of censorship and power cuts. Even special interest books, on art, music or English, for example, are expensive and hard to find, says Soe Khaing:

?When my university had to close because of the 1988 events, I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. I was a guitar player at the time, so I thought I?d take the opportunity to improve my skills. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn?t find any book I could use to teach myself. Tapes and music sheets were very rare and expensive as well. I hence stagnated, burning with the desire to study in a music school.?
Keywords: Burma, Myanmar, Yangon, Rangoon, Cocoon, burmese, girls, children, pupils, umbrella, rain, school, education, colors, class
Date: 10.05.2010 22:26
Hits: 25203
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File size: 582.2 KB
Added by: Brice Richard

Copyright Notice: Brice Richard 2009
Keywords: Asia, Burma, ethnocultural, June 11, Myanmar, Rangoon, Southeast asia
City: Rangoon
Country: Burma


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Monastery school girl - Bago (Burma)



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