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Million Dollar Squatters_03
Million Dollar Squatters_03

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Million Dollar Squatters_03
Description: Pete, 26, form Lincolnshire, is smiling in amazement after having discovered electricity is working in the new mansion he and the others have just been able to enter tonight, on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007, in Hampstead, London, England. The residence, 89 Winnington Road, was former Indonesian President Haji Mohamed Suharto's top London mansion and was sold in 1999 for UK? 9.5M when he was being investigated in his home country in regards to his fortune and extravagant lifestyle. Million Dollar Squatters is a documentary project in the lives of a peculiar group of squatters residing in three multi-million mansions in one of the classiest residential neighbourhoods of London, Hampstead Garden. The squatters' enthusiasm, their constant efforts to look after what has become their home, their ingenuity and adventurous spirit have all inspired me throughout the days and nights spent at their side. Between the fantasy world of exclusive Britain and the reality of squatting in London, I have been a witness to their unique story. While more than 100.000 properties in London still lay empty to this day, squatting provides a valid, and lawful alternative to paying Europe's most expensive rent prices, as well as offering the challenge of an adventurous lifestyle in the capital.
Keywords: abusive, adventure, Alex, association, building, class, classy, court, dollar, dream, elite, England, exclusive, expensive, feast, group, heath, house, housing, illegal, large, legal, lifestyle, London, luxurious, mansion, mansions, Masi, million, party, residence, squat, squatter, squatters, squatting, UK, United, Kingdom, villa, youngster, youngsters, youth, fancy, fanciful
Date: 22.01.2008 05:40
Hits: 33149
Downloads: 0
Rating: 1.00 (3 Vote(s))
File size: 330.9 KB
Added by: Alex Masi

Caption: Pete, 26, form Lincolnshire, is smiling in amazement after having discovered electricity is working in the new mansion he and the others have just been able to enter tonight, on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007, in Hampstead, London, England. The residence, 89 Winnington Road, was former Indonesian President Haji Mohamed Suharto's top London mansion and was sold in 1999 for UKŁ 9.5M when he was being investigated in his home country in regards to his fortune and extravagant lifestyle. Million Dollar Squatters is a documentary project in the lives of a peculiar group of squatters residing in three multi-million mansions in one of the classiest residential neighbourhoods of London, Hampstead Garden. The squatters' enthusiasm, their constant efforts to look after what has become their home, their ingenuity and adventurous spirit have all inspired me throughout the days and nights spent at their side. Between the fantasy world of exclusive Britain and the reality of squatting in London, I have been a witness to their unique story. While more than 100.000 properties in London still lay empty to this day, squatting provides a valid, and lawful alternative to paying Europe's most expensive rent prices, as well as offering the challenge of an adventurous lifestyle in the capital.
Headline: England - Million Dollar Squatters
Special instructions: **Italy Out**
Byline: Alex Masi
Credit: Alex Masi
Date created: 18.10.2007
City: London
State: England
Country: United Kingdom
Keywords: abusive, adventure, Alex, association, building, class, classy, court, dollar, dream, elite, England, exclusive, expensive, feast, group, heath, house, housing, illegal, large, legal, lifestyle, London, luxurious, mansion, mansions, Masi, million, party, residence, squat, squatter, squatters, squatting, UK, United Kingdom, villa, youngster, youngsters, youth, fancy, fanciful
Copyright Notice: Alex Masi


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