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Burning Man 2006
Burning Man 2006
Comments: 0
Jaime Carrero

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Steven and his mother having lunch after hearing that the stem cell transplant failed.  
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Steven is at Froedtert Hospital for his last chemo treatment. He is having a Crispy Cream donut as a treat .

A confronting setback. Steven is suffering from a severe infection. He is being treated at Waupaca,Wisconsin.
A confronting setback. Steven is suffering from a severe infection. He is being treated at Waupaca,Wisconsin.

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A confronting setback. Steven is suffering from a severe infection. He is being treated at Waupaca,Wisconsin.
Date: 27.02.2007 10:54
Hits: 7903
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 259.9 KB
Added by: Tacitus Bond

Date created: 05.01.2007
City: Iola
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Object name: Back home in Wisconsin
Category: Hodgkin's Disease
Supplemental category: Hodgkin's Disease , Medical, Oncology
Keywords: Cancer, Hodgkin's Disease, Medical, Oncology
Byline: Tacitus W. Bond
Byline title: Documentary Photographer
Credit: Tacitus W. Bond
Caption writer: Tacitus W. Bond
Caption: Steven is now back in Wisconsin. The stem cell transplant failed. He is now having to battle infection. He is having a large dose of antibiotics to bring the infection under control. He is trying to let the doctors to let him go home.
Headline: Treatment Fails
Copyright Notice: Copyright by Tacitus W. Bond, no photographs may be used with our permission.

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Steven and his mother having lunch after hearing that the stem cell transplant failed.  
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Steven is at Froedtert Hospital for his last chemo treatment. He is having a Crispy Cream donut as a treat .



RSS Feed: A confronting setback. Steven is suffering from a severe infection. He is being treated at Waupaca,Wisconsin. (Comments)

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