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Nurses waiting for the eye health seminar at Falam Eye Centre
Nurses waiting for the eye health seminar at Falam Eye Centre
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James Muecke

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Six Weeks of chemo therapy is required  
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Steven and his mother waiting for the first interview with the Doctor.

Steven and family, Mija, Peter, Calvin, Josiah; Abigail
Steven and family, Mija, Peter, Calvin, Josiah; Abigail

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Steven and family, Mija, Peter, Calvin, Josiah; Abigail
Date: 27.02.2007 08:55
Hits: 19422
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Rating: 1.60 (5 Vote(s))
File size: 231.9 KB
Added by: Tacitus Bond

Date created: 04.01.2007
City: Milwaukee
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Object name: Steven, Mija, Peter, Calvin, Josiah, and Abigail
Category: Cancer
Supplemental category: Hodgkin's Disease
Byline: Tacitus W. Bond
Byline title: Documentary Photographer
Credit: Tacitus W. Bond
Caption writer: Tacitus W. Bond
Caption: Two and a half years ago Steven Smith developed Hodgkin's disease, sometimes called Hodgkin's lymphoma, it is a cancer that starts in lymphatic tissue. Lymphatic tissue includes the lymph nodes and related organs that are part of the body's immune and blood-forming systems. The lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped organs found underneath the skin in the neck, underarm, and groin. They are also found in many other places in the body such as inside the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
There is no benign (non-cancerous) form of Hodgkin's disease.
The good news about Hodgkin's disease is that most people (92%) with this disease are cured. The bad news is that because so many people are living for a long time, we are learning about serious side effects that happen years after the treatment is over. In fact, 20 years after treatment, more people who had Hodgkin's disease die of side effects related to treatment than of recurrent Hodgkin's disease. Steven has fallen into the 8% bracket where chances of a cure are slim to none.
Steven passed away in November 2006; he was married to Mija and had four young children: Peter, Abigail, Josiah and Calvin.
Copyright Notice: Tacitus W. Bond

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Six Weeks of chemo therapy is required  
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Steven and his mother waiting for the first interview with the Doctor.



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