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Dutch Veteran Day 2006
Dutch Veteran Day 2006
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Hes Mundt

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Mother holding a picture of her killed daughter, Marwaheen, Lebanon  
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I love Beirut, Dahiye, Beirut, Lebanon

Hussain is a UXO victim from an earlier war, a different occupation, Aarab Salim
Hussain is a UXO victim from an earlier war, a different occupation, Aarab Salim

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Hussain is a UXO victim from an earlier war, a different occupation, Aarab Salim
Description: Hussain is a UXO victim from an earlier war, a different occupation. He says his scar resembles the shape of Lebanon. I met him because his 17-years old cousin, Ibrahim, was wounded ?in the latest 34-day war? by an unexploded cluster bomb while harvesting olives. Ibrahim, who was forced to leave school at the age of 7 after his father died in order to bring cash to the family, was now forced to leave his job due to his injuries. Thus Hussain is the only relative who helps the family.
Date: 15.01.2007 01:38
Hits: 17671
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Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 297.7 KB
Added by: Gabriela Bulisova

Byline: Gabriela Bulisova
Byline title: Photographer
Object name: Hussain, a cluster bomb victim of from a previous Israeli war, A


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Mother holding a picture of her killed daughter, Marwaheen, Lebanon  
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I love Beirut, Dahiye, Beirut, Lebanon



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