Gone to The Dogs | An Evening at Dapto Greyhound Races, Australia
?Dapto Dogs? is a documentary of an evening at the track. Like the other 150,000 devotees of dog racing I had an expectation that cold beers and warm pies and perhaps a little flutter on one of the races would fill my night.
This was to be an evenings entertainment, a light hearted tale (no pun intended) of fun and camaraderie. Within ten minutes of my arrival that changed dramatically. The first race had just started, when suddenly a dog fell.
There is no way to describe the noise of an animal in extreme pain. The sounds of such a gentle natured animal as a greyhound, dying in such a public spot curdled my blood. Ten minutes later the noise was extinguished, the vets had euthanased the dog on the far side of the track. It had broken both its front legs.
I then set out to find out who were the people that were involved in what seemed to me like the most barbaric sport I had ever encountered.
Photo Documentary / Photo Journal Story by award winning Australian photographer ,Lisa Hogben (Hits: 370237)
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