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Pilgrim's baggage
Pilgrim's baggage
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Erica Mcdonald

Resistants | Portugal

More and more we see that the old societal modes, the way people use to live and trade , where to talk and smile , make much more sense than today. The small quartier markets where people use to buy the goods and also talk and live in a close society. Today big towns are full of huge commercial surfaces, we all walk without looking at others, indifference is the most common emotion in our days.
These series tries to keep this in our collective memory and in one way these people are resistants to some kind of unmeasured developement of big cities.
Photography by Portuguese photographer
Alfredo Mu?oz de Oliveira (Hits: 175414)

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Found: 30 image(s) on 3 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Mr. Olivio - The barber Shop (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Grocery - 100 years old (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Grocery - 100 years old (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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Grocery - 100 years old (Alfredo Munoz)
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Resistants | Portugal
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