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A River's Tale : Cambodia
A River's Tale : Cambodia

Gareth Bright

Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco

Childhood is supposed to be known as the best period of our life. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Today there are still thousands of children left alone to deal with their pain and sorrow. Shattered dreams, abuse of all kinds, lack of affection are the only reality they know. They remain the forgotten ones. Members of a new lost generation.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by Ben Milpass (Hits: 177687)

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L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
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Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
Comments: 1

L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
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Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
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L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
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Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
Comments: 0

L` enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
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Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
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L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
Photo details & description
Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
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L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
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Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
Comments: 0

L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
Photo details & description
Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
Comments: 0

L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
Photo details & description
Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
Comments: 1

L`enfants des rues (Ben Milpas)
Photo details & description
Lost Generation | Casablanca, Morocco
Comments: 3

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