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The Berlin Wall : Checkpoint Charlie
The Berlin Wall : Checkpoint Charlie
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John Horniblow

Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia

The treasured Bohemian National Forest is besieged by wood-borers. All ailing trees must be cut out from forest or the forest faces the threat of ecological disaster from die back. However , an erstwhilel ban on the use of mechanical vehicles has left the work up to horses and the dying trade of wood carters. Labourers from Slovakia or the Ukraine toil in a hard job , for little money , as the carters. Its the last place for this work , their jobs facing an imminent extinction. Chopping down forests pose both an ecologic and a big political problem , a national dilemna for the treasured forest : To be chopped down or ban the axe and face die back.
Documentary photography by Czech photographer Daniel Kaifer, member of the Association of Professional Photographers Czech Republic (Hits: 171273)

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The Last Work of the Horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
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horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
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horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
Comments: 1

horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
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horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
Comments: 1

horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
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horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
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horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
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horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
Comments: 1

horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
Comments: 0

horses (Daniel Kaifer)
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Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
Comments: 1

horses (Daniel Kaifer)
Photo details & description
Last Job for the Horses | Wood Carting in Bohemia
Comments: 1

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