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Sailing Antarctica

Flying in from Punta Arenas to King George Island , we boarded our 75 foot motor yacht, Australis for two weeks of cruising the Antarctic Peninsula. Kayaking when conditions were calm, spending time with penguins in their colonies, pre dawn zodiac forays, seal and whale watching, and camping on the ice were all activities to fit into the days weather and the boats movements.
In the pit of my stomach remained the last and greatest challenge of this Antarctic adventure "The Drake". This 521 Nautical mile rite of passage guards the southern continent with a treacherous reputation. We scored an 8 out of 10, with 55knot winds whipping up an angry 9 metre swell. There were broken bones and seasick souls, mentally and physically stretching ones resolve. I wouldn’t have had it any other way!

They say Antarctica changes you, they’re probably right.

Photo documentary by David Larcombe (Hits: 266220)

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Found: 38 image(s) on 4 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

First Large Iceberg (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Deception Island between Squalls (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Two guides and the First Mate (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Whale Boats after Squall (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Fighting Fur Seals (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Dawn (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Iceberg with Chinstraps (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Chinstraps on Iceberg (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Night Berg (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Mountains & Crabeaters (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Whalescapes for Days (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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Whalescapes 2 Tailtime (David Larcombe)
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Sailing Antarctica
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