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Pedro Tzontemoc

Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine

Stark images of a second revolution Kiev, Ukraine brought the world's media attention to Maidan Square. In a time of uncertainty in Ukraine the news has shifted. As the tensions thicken in Ukraine , pro Russian militants have begun to take over State Offices in the eastern regions after the annexation of Crimea. In Kiev the city struggles to get back on its feet, the buildup of Russian forces on Ukraine's eastern border continues to cause anxiety and fear in the wake of the Russian backed Crimea annexation. As expected, those in Maidan are not standing down.

Photo documentary by Lisa Shukov (Hits: 180923)

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Found: 24 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Shout for Ukraine (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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EuroMaidan (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Heavenly 100 (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Trade Union Building (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Remembrance (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Main Stage (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Slava Ukraina (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Independence Square (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Berkut (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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National Anthem (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Barrier (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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Nationalism (Lisa Shukov)
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Return to Maidan | Kiev, Ukraine
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