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Statue Pope John Paul 2, Jasna Gora
Statue Pope John Paul 2, Jasna Gora
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Erica Mcdonald

Wall Street | Charles Gatewood

Wall Street 1972-1976:

Between 1972 and 1976, Charles Gatewood made frequent trips to New York's financial district resulting in a collection of black and white photographs entitled "Wall Street". These images are beautifully ethereal, formal and emotionally void reflecting underlying themes of democratic capitalism and control. The black and white concrete desolation provides a set of minimal visual metaphors for that oft revered and maligned world of high finance.

Photographer Charles Gatewood has a career that spans over 45 years and he has published over a dozen books.

With a degree in anthropology, Gatewood moved to New York City in 1966. He was 23 years old. During this time, the artist lived in Manhattan and began to take an interest in photo documentation of the counterculture, demonstrations, protests, the club scene and rapidly changing values at that time. Like photographers Arbus, Friedlander and Frank, he had a rare gift in recording extreme examples of America�s cultural consciousness. During this period, he worked for Rolling Stone Magazine, Time Magazine, The New York Times, Business Week, Harpers, Saturday Review and other major publications.

His first book SIDETRIPPING, a collaboration with William S. Burroughs, was critically acclaimed. The extended photo essay �Wall Street� published in 1984 (for images taken between 1972 and 1976) was awarded the Leica Medal of Excellence for Outstanding Humanistic Photojournalism. Gatewood has received three fellowships from the New York State Arts Council, and awards from the American Institute of Graphic Arts and the Art Directors' Club. His photographs are included in the permanent collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art., The International Center for Photography, Musee Francais de la Photographie and numerous other public and private collections across the globe.

Gatewood has worked with and photographed luminaries such as William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan, Carlos Santana, Rod Stewart, Allen Ginsberg, Sly Stone, Luis Bunuel, Bernardo Bertolucci, Abbie Hoffman, Al Green, Etta James, Jimmy Page, Boz Scaggs, Ornete Coleman, Laurence Ferlinghetti, Jello Biafra and Nelson Rockefeller.

Charles Gatewood is represented by McGovern Design House in New York City.To view more photographs and inquire about available new or vintage prints, please visit us at (Hits: 254299)

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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Untitled (Charles Gatewood)
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Wall Street | Charles Gatewood
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Documentary Photographers