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Bojan Ivkovic on NisVille 2013
Bojan Ivkovic on NisVille 2013
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Radule Perisic

The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love

That night, as I arrived from Connecticut to take in my first bite of the Big Apple, I was left amazed at the vibrancy of a city that truly never sleeps.
New York. Home to many, fascination too many more and an unfulfilled ream to me was unlike any place I had ever seen. The city it appeared celebrated each and every waking moment like there will be no tomorrow. The amalgamation of different cultures, the festive atmosphere and the dreamy skyscrapers form one hell of a heady concoction.
It is so difficult to not sway to the city�s tunes that I for once gave in very easily. Perhaps someone rightly said �The true New Yorker secretly believes that people living anywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding.�
Photo documentary by Indian photographer Nilanjan Mitra (Hits: 194197)

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Found: 28 image(s) on 3 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

NYC Story (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Skyline - NJ (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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The Flying Machine (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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From the 25th Floor (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Protector (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Reflection of life (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Fire Works (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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New Arraival (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Happy Faces (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Hot Dog on the Move (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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Life on the move (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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14th Street Corner (Nilanjan Mitra)
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The Big Apple | An Epiphany of Love
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