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Ballerina's phone talk
Ballerina's phone talk
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Alex Kotlik

Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA

Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit is a photographic exploration of transcendence and isolation in the midst of public celebration during Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

Photo documentary by Marta Ze

Marta Ze was born in Bogot� Colombia, raised in New York and New Orleans. She now lives in Los Angeles.

She's photographed in the former U.S.S.R, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Europe and the U.S.
Her photos have shown in galleries and museums throughout the world, including her photo essay on a charity mental hospital in Colombia. She's also worked as a still photographer on documentaries and feature films starring actors such as Nicolas Cage, John Savage, and Martin Sheen.

Preview Marta's book Carnival Dreams at (Hits: 374761)

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Found: 20 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Cabaret Vampire (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Tongue Flick (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Oral Majority (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Painted Breasts (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Drunk On Cop Car (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Mask & Afro (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Balloon Girls (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Princess & Monster (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Hiding (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Nipple Ring (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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Primitive Lovers (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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The Queen (Marta Ze)
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Carnival Dreams: Unmasking the Spirit | New Orleans USA
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