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Open stage NisVille 2013
Open stage NisVille 2013
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Radule Perisic

War songs | Songs of Congo.

Young hip-hop, rap, R&B musicians: Dangerous, Young Boys, B2K, Kashmal, Lille Cent, Peace Life, Victory from war-torn Nord Kivu region in Democratic Republic of Congo want to rebuild their life. Many of them have just returned home from exile and have had the opportunity to buy new clothes and good shoes for the first time. At the same moment, all they want is to become famous pop music stars.

Photo documentary by Polish Photographer Agata Pietron (Hits: 181527)

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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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Songs of Congo (Agata Pietron)
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War songs | Songs of Congo.
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