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Boys start preparing for the midday prayer at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia
Boys start preparing for the midday prayer at an orphanage in Banda Aceh Indonesia
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Hes Mundt

Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Photographed in 2004-2005; Compound of the Tide- Rio de Janeiro- Brasil.
The Tide is not a single slum, but a compound of slums; several communities strung together, as if they were different quarters, creating an informal city of 150.000 thousand inhabitants.
The beginning of the occupation of the Compound of the Tide began is the1940's - the period of largest proliferation of slums in Rio de Janeiro. It occupies an area that lies within the margins of Gulf of Guanabara. This quarter of slums is considered as most lacking in civic services and most dangerous area of the city.
Today's conflict in the Compound of the Tide it is not among the communities, but the different factions of the drug trafficers and of the organized crime, dividing the slums with their territorial disputes. Rival factions fight battles daily between themselves and the police directly affecting the residents? daily life.
Photography series by Brasilian photographer Agnieszka Balut. (Hits: 200602)

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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Comments: 2

Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Life in the slums-Compound of the Tide (Agnieszka Balut) (Agnieszka Balut)
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Life in the slums | Compound of the Tide Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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