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Tashi Tobgyal

The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland

"It was splendid on Aran. The island has the character and personality of a mute God. One is awed in its presence, breathing its air. Over it broods an overwhelming sense of great, noble tragedy.?
-Liam O?Flaherty, 1927

The photographs in this portfolio were taken during the summers of 2005, and 2007. They are my personal response to my experiences of walking the lanes of these atmospheric, yet strangely insular islands of Inisheer and Inishman. Located in the mouth of Galway Bay, they are geologically connected to the western area of Ireland called The Burren, an escarpment of Karst limestone. I make no pretense to obtaining any profound understanding of this deep and long-standing culture, with its unique traditions, only a fascination with the haunting tonality of the landscape, and the special qualities of its people.

These photographs can only touch upon the places that made an impression upon my spirit; the Holy Well, the ruins of churches over a thousand years old, the endless miles of stone walls enclosing tiny plots of handmade pasture, the great banks of clouds through which the shifting light streamed in great flourishes, the wild Atlantic Ocean encircling these tiny islands. And the careful politeness of the gaelic-speaking villagers embodying a world of timeless connection to the weather, the landscape, and tradition??

Photo documentary story / Photojournal by Josef Tornick (Hits: 220420)

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Found: 30 image(s) on 3 page(s). Displayed: image 13 to 24.

Brid Griffin, Inis Oirr, Aran Islands (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Inishman Road View, Aran Islands, 2007 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Inishman, 2007, Aran Islands, Ireland (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Cow and View, Inishman, Aran Islands, Ireland (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Maire Mulerrin, Inishman, Aran Islands, 2005 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Mairtin Costelloe, Postman, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Padraig Poill Family, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2007 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Currach In Harbor, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2007 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Pony Ride, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2007 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Tractor In Lane, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2007 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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Joe Conneely, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland, 2005 (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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House and Walls, Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland (Josef Tornick)
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The Irish Islands of Inis Oirr and Inis Man | Ireland
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