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Jacob Simkin

Paris Black & White | France

Paris street by street in a city where cultures and races cross themselves in a tense environment of social inclusion and exclusion.
"It was through out photography that I felt the life of the city and tried to show the actual Paris that in all reflects the world tensions among people. The fear of the bombings, the differences between cultures and races, preludes of social convulsions that apparently in nothing change the day by day life that runs without stops."

Step by step, street by street a social urban portrait.

Series by Portuguese photographer Alfredo Munoz de Oliveira (Hits: 201366)

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Found: 73 image(s) on 7 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Paris #1 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #2 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #3 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #4 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #5 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #7 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #8 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #9 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #10 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #11 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #12 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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Paris #13 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Paris Black & White | France
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