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Amir Mahmoodi

Triage | Canada

Canadian Forces Base 8 Wing Trenton is Canada?s heavy lifting base, where the nation?s troops are sent to and from missions, which makes the base?s medical team, the 24th Canadian Forces Health Services Unit, one of the busiest around. The base and the Unit held a disaster response exercise which entailed the re-enactment of the crash of an A310 Airbus which would produce 25 casualties and three deceased victims. The base?s medical team would take the lead on triage during this exercise that also included all civilian agencies; Police, Fire, Ambulance as well as all local Hospitals, everyone was to be involved. Although this was only a re-enactment, it became very real to the personnel involved; real protocols and real procedures were to be followed. The wounded in the exercise were also military personnel made up to look like casualties; they stayed in character and played their parts to the extreme. ?The usefulness and information gathered from such exercises? say Captain Dr. Neil Pritchard the lead Doctor for the exercise ?is invaluable?. The series that follows is a day spent with the 24th Canadian Health Services Unit at CFB 8 Wing Trenton.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by Canadian Documentary Photographer Stephen Uhraney (Hits: 252683)

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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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TRIAGE (Stephen Uhraney)
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Triage | Canada
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